Medical School: Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Residency: Presidio, San Francisco, CA
Fellowship: University of Colorado in Body Imaging
I was born and raised in Colorado. I completed my undergrad studies at the University of Notre Dame and then Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. for medical school. Radiology Residency was at the Presidio in San Francisco in the U.S. Army and my Fellowship in Body Imaging at the University of Colorado. I joined the Army while at Georgetown via the Health Professional Scholarship Program, and spent 12 years in the service, including two years in Korea.
After an Honorable Discharge from the Army, I returned to Colorado. Starting out first in Craig, we settled in Glenwood Springs over 23 years ago. Our radiology practice currently covers the Colorado towns of Glenwood Springs, Rifle and Meeker, but in the past has also covered Rangely, Craig, Kremmling, Trinidad and La Junta. We are a general diagnostic group, covering all aspects of imaging. I have been an active staff member at Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs, one of our primary practice locations. This has included serving on, and Chairing, both the Medical Care Evaluation and the Governance Committee, and serving on the Medical Executive Committee, which included being Secretary Treasurer, Chairing the Department of Medicine, and serving as Chief of Staff for the hospital.
During this time, I was also a Senior Clinical Instructor for the University of Colorado School of Medicine, providing radiology instruction for several rotating students at Valley View Hospital.
I have been a Colorado Medical Society member for over 20 years, and have extensive experience in the CMS organization. I was a delegate to the House of Delegates for multiple years, and a three-term president of the local CMS component Mt. Sopris Medical Society. I spent a year in the “RIHEL” (Reginal Institute of Health and Environmental Leadership) educational program co-sponsored by CMS. I am now serving my second three-year term on the Board of Directors. As a board member, I have served on the Nomination Committee, the Finance Committee of which I am the current Chair and Treasurer of CMS, and a member of one of our newest committees, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”. I have been on the Presidential Council and twice on the President’s Executive Committee.
Last, but not least, I am now on the Foundation Board of Mind Springs Health, which provides Behavioral and Mental Health Care for the western slope of Colorado.
Away from work I enjoy reading about history, golfing, travel and drinking fine wine. Lucky for me, my wife likes the same things!